Thursday, August 14, 2008

Structural metadata and the social limitation of interoperability: A sociotechnical view of XML and digital library standards development

Jerome McDonough - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Paper

"What I'm really going to try and convince you of that we have a tremendous problem in the XML world...we simply do not have enough standards in XML community."

There is a considerable number of different tagsets that need to be interconnected...but there is no standard of content (dates are the common example and the one he used here).

Socio-technical system theory - States that technology and social context are not separable.

This is kind of like a porthole view into the way librarians handle (and have handled) markup technologies.

Why is XML like a rope? - give them enough flexibility and they'll hang themselves.

Argues for treating translations as standards in the same way we treat tagsets as standards.

Also that education has to look into communication vs control.

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