Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Optimized Cartesian product: A Hybrid approach to derivation-chain checking in XSD 1.1

Maurizio Casimirri - University of Bologna - Paper

Here comes the technical stuff. I'll try to keep up but check the paper if you are really interested.

XSD has no support for co-constraints (if some type of something then this situation)

XSD 1.1 has an xs:alternative element that allows for a test of the a node.

Basically he is describing how XSD 1.1 will determine the co-constraints based on the new elements.

Now he is describing how to used both the static and dynamic methods of detecting schema errors to form a hybrid method which might expose some errors that might not appear in the document instance.

Murray Altheim - there's no way to go up the tree?
Response: Nope, it is specified to stay within parent.<at least I hope that is what they meant>

Note: multiple xs:alternative elements are processed in order. Thus an xs:alternative element that is blank (thereby default) would confirm the test and not allow any further elements to be processed.

I think this one stumped much of the audience. Wow, that makes me feel better.

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