Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fonts and Circumstance

If you are a single employee company like me you know the desire to keep costs down. Since I work with XSL-FO for a good bit of my projects, I often get requests to use fonts outside the normally installed sets.

Obviously for XSL-FO the client is going to need the font installed on site. But for many of my projects I am doing work remotely and it is useful to have the font available locally. Like a recent project where the client was using the Frutiger font family (condensed type). I searched around a little bit and found the whole family for $339.00. That's a little out of my price range for a single project.

A little more google-fu (or if I had just read the Wikipedia article) and I discovered that Microsoft's MSReader application installs the Frutiger Linotype font family by default. So three minutes later I was up and running with a reasonable option for Frutiger Condensed.

Just thought I'd share that sometimes you can find a solid option for free.

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