Wednesday, August 13, 2008

State of the Art of Streaming: Why W3C Xproc, W3C XSLT WGs and ISO SC34 WG 1 are looking closely at streaming

Mohamed Zergaoui - Xproc & XSLT 2.0 WG - Paper

Define Streaming:
  • related to memory usage
  • related to input size
  • related to latency of process
It appears that the document size and the requirement to keep it in memory greatly increases the time of processing and thus the difficulty of constant streaming.

Murray Altheim: How to deal with petabytes of data in streaming? Isn't the stream being returned in an event model? Why couldn't there be a model where you take every single hit on the query and not wait until the end?
Response: Not in scope of the XML but having an entry should trigger a usage...but might be a problem of defining what WG should be handling this.

Kurt Cagle: What's happening with DSDL? The site seems out of date on a lot of points.
Response: ODF and OOXML is taking up most of the time and perhaps they can get back to work now that 2 years have been lost. He seemed tentative about saying that.

Alex Milowski: Has anybody done the work to test XPath 2 within the concept of streaming?
Response: XPath has many different subsets of stream and it is going to be a problem. But there are papers out there talking about that very subject.

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