Define Streaming:
- related to memory usage
- related to input size
- related to latency of process
Murray Altheim: How to deal with petabytes of data in streaming? Isn't the stream being returned in an event model? Why couldn't there be a model where you take every single hit on the query and not wait until the end?
Response: Not in scope of the XML but having an entry should trigger a usage...but might be a problem of defining what WG should be handling this.
Kurt Cagle: What's happening with DSDL? The site seems out of date on a lot of points.
Response: ODF and OOXML is taking up most of the time and perhaps they can get back to work now that 2 years have been lost. He seemed tentative about saying that.
Alex Milowski: Has anybody done the work to test XPath 2 within the concept of streaming?
Response: XPath has many different subsets of stream and it is going to be a problem. But there are papers out there talking about that very subject.
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