Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Cool vs. Useful

Why the Balisage: The Markup Conference?

"Because it is expensive" -

Tommie says we are not limiting our scope to XML. So why not a Knowledge conference? Because knowledge is too broad and markup is very directed. It is a way to focus our attention.

That makes sense.

There are many badges at this conference; Speaker, Committee, Staff, but there is also Listener. Tommie wants us all to know that Listener is pretty important too.

She tells of publishers (unnamed) that are converting their new fangled XML to SGML and then running it through their production system....and they don't want anyone to know. Cause it isn't cool.

"Did you know that Schemas are cool and DTDs aren't?" But publishers are telling her that they'll be using the Schemas, "soon". They are afraid that people will find out they aren't "cool".

"Let's pretend there is a mainstream XML community." An average XML-er:
  1. Works with fairly structured data
  2. Wants to get things done quickly and effieintly
  3. Dubious about mixed-content
  4. Doesn't want to hear about things you can't do in XMl (like overlaping structures)
"So imagine my surprise that overlapping markup is...cool."

"Only an idiot would do ". "These people aren't experts, they are fasionistas." "That's the sort of thing that we really don't want to do here."

"This is not an environment for sales but tell us what's interesting about your topic."

Tommie tells about two techies from major XML companies who said: "We'll get it worked out to interchange data and then it is just a small step to international standard." Drew a big laugh from the crowd.

"Topic maps are cool but it doesn't have any edges." "Semantic web is a HUGE number of cool ideas, some of them mutually exclusive."

Tomie takes us on a review of the new search engine Cuil and it's use of photos that seem pretty darn random.

And the reason for this digresion..."keep your eye out for nonsense like this at Balisage".

"There is a big difference between 'true' and 'useful'." "Keep a close eye out for Useful."


Sid Bauman - "The laws of cool: Knowledge Work and the Culture of Information" by Alan Lui

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